Plan to attend this comprehensive half-day conference on local laws and legal issues that impact New York staffing firms and get training in preparing your staffing and recruiting teams in handling these issues. Our speakers will lead owners, managers, and operations staff in an interactive session.
8:30 - 9:00 a.m. Registration/Breakfast
9:00 – 10:30 a.m. The Impact of the #MeToo Movement on the Staffing Industry
Earlier this year, both New York State and New York City approved legislation that mandates employers provide employees with annual sexual harassment training. The law takes effect on October 9. Is your business prepared? Our panel of attorneys and business owners will discuss how to train your internal and temporary employees (both NYS and NYC laws), how to handle the complaint (both internal and external), how to avoid retaliation and third-party harassment.
- Laurent S. Drogin, Partner and Head of Labor and Employment Practice, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP
- James A. Essey, President/Chief Executive Officer, The TemPositions Group of Companies
- Peter G. Goodman, Founder, Law Office of Peter G. Goodman, PLLC
- Andrew W. Singer, Co-Managing Partner, Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP
- Moderated by Joel A. Klarreich, Partner, Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP & General Counsel, New York Staffing Association
10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Updating Your Employee Handbook
Employee handbooks are a necessity for both employers and employees. When was the last time your company updated its policies and procedures? And how should you incorporate the new mandatory sexual harassment training? This session will detail what should be included in a comprehensive employee handbook.
- Jason B. Klimpl, Partner, Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP & Associate General Counsel, New York Staffing Association
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Interactive Law Day Review
During this interactive session, attendees will be asked how they would handle hypothetical situations that are real-life possibilities in the staffing world. Jason Klimpl will analyze the attendees’ responses and provide guidance on the correct way to handle these situations. Prizes will be awarded to attendees who participate.
- Jason B. Klimpl, Partner, Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP & Associate General Counsel, New York Staffing Association