Join industry partner Joshua Friedlander of ArisGarde for an overview of how to evaluate and implement strategies to retain your key employees and executives using both equity and non-equity based incentives. Protecting a company from the departure of a top performer leaving to a competitor or starting their own staffing company is critical especially as the economy migrates back to normal. This webinar will provide insight on a broad range of tactics to protect your company or reward your best and brightest.
Speaker: Joshua Friedlander is the founder of ArisGarde, a wealth advisory and business consulting firm based in New York. Joshua advises on financial, estate, and business planning matters for families and corporations across various industries including construction, healthcare, staffing, real estate and the clients of law and accounting firms. He focuses on providing guidance and strategies to be integrated as part of business succession, executive retention and overall wealth management for business owners and their key executives.
Registration Fees:NYSA Members: No Charge Non-Members: $59 per person
This Webinar is Presented by
Cancellations will be accepted via email by May 12, 2021No Refunds after May 12, 2021, No-shows will be billed.
New York Staffing Association (NYSA)
P.O. Box 518, Mount Laurel, NJ 08054